Monday, March 23, 2020

Response to Universal Reconciliation Opposition - Part 11

This is the eleventh in a mini-series of posts responding to the arguments offered by Dr Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum (Dr Arnold) against God's plan to eventually reconcile and save all His creation.

His arguments against Universal Reconciliation (UR) are offered under five headings, the second of which is b. The Fixed State of the Unbelieving Dead. (see a previous post "Opposition to Universal Reconciliation" here)

Under the b. The Fixed State of the Unbelieving Dead heading Dr Arnold claims that the unbelieving dead are seen in a fixed state that cannot be altered and then quotes numerous texts from the New Testament hoping to illustrate his assertion.

(i) The Matthew texts, (ii) The Rich Man and Lazarus parable, (iii) the John texts and (iv)Two texts from 2 Peter were discussed in previous posts - Parts 7, 8, 9 and 10.

(v) Two texts from Jude describing so-called "eternal" dark outcomes for sinners.

In a similar way, Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion. They serve as an example of those who suffer the punishment of eternal (Gk. eonian = age-during) fire. [Jude 7  NIV]
They are like the waves of a wild sea. Their sins are like the dirty water along the shore. They look like stars moving here and there. But the darkest place has been kept for them forever (Gk. for an eon = for an age).
[Jude 13  NIV]
Once again, the correct, literal translation of the Greek destroys the "traditional" doctrinal of eternal punishment and darkness.

I have written about this mischievous translation (eonian=eternal) on several occasions; even so, I am considering writing a series of posts concentrating on these wrongly translated texts exposing how they have been used to induce the fear of eternal torment by a loving God for all those who have not been given the faith to become members of the Body of Christ during their lifetime on this planet.

Clearly the correctly translated punishment and darkness verses do not over-ride God's promise of restoring all things and bringing unity and harmony to the universe as the Bible records and I have quoted so often on this BLOG site, but instead show that any loss or correction will be limited to the ages, to the realm of time.

He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”
[Revelation 21 : 5  NIV]
Heaven must receive him (Messiah) until the time comes for God to restore everything.
[Acts 3 : 21  NIV]
With all wisdom and understanding, he made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ, to be put into effect when the times reach their fulfillment—to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ.
[Ephesians 1 : 8 - 10  NIV]

Correct translations make all God's plans clear and unchallenged.
Those not called into Christian service in the Body of Christ in this age only miss out on the kingdom age.
They cannot miss out on eternity if God holds true to his promises - which he always does.

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
[Romans 8 : 38 - 39  NIV]

Blessings, Barry

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