Monday, March 3, 2025

Jesus is the CURE

One of the little habits I have developed over the years is the use of acronyms. I invent them to assist my memory, even for daily chores and brief shopping lists.

Readers will have noticed me use UR for Universal Reconciliation quite often, an acronym I have sprinkled down the margins of many pages in my Bibles (along with several others).

I have recently altered that to CURE, standing for Christ Ultimately Reconciles Everyone, to make it clear that it is only because of Christ that we have universal reconciliation or universal salvation.

Some people are universalists who believe that everyone gets "there" no matter what route they take, wherever "there" might be.
But that is not me.
To leave Jesus out of the equation is criminal, IMHO. 😀

As the great Karl Barth once said,
"I don’t believe in universalism, but I do believe in Jesus Christ, the reconciler of all."
And that is me.

I have even more recently re-defined CURE again to mean Christ Ultimately Rescues Everyone, to include a slightly more dramatic word, in the hope of sending the message that everyone needs to be rescued, saved, and that Jesus is the Saviour of the world.
As John the Baptist declared:

"Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world".
[John 1 : 29  NIV]
"And all people will see God's salvation".
[Luke 3 : 6  NIV]

So, when you begin to see CURE in future posts, you'll know what I am trying to convey.
Blessings, Barry

Other published Writings at

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Job Description

Most of the objections I receive challenging the belief that God is the Saviour of the whole world through Jesus come from mainstream Christians who have been taught that the fate of unbelievers is eternal torment in hell.

Years ago, when I thought I was all alone in this Universal Reconciliation space, I was never eager to press the point, just gently mention it and let it fall and take root wherever and whenever it might.

But these days, I am much more confident (have even been asked to not attend two churches while holding such a belief in case I infected others) and have answered all challenges offered (so far) using the Biblical evidence with which readers of this BLOG have become familiar.

And I have written a structured essay answering these objections and published it in the Downloads section of my website
I have also taken seriously Paul's admonition to become Christ's ambassador of this wonderful news:

For God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself, no longer counting people’s sins against them. And he gave us this wonderful message of reconciliation. So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us.
[2 Corinthians 5 : 19, 20  NLT]

Clearly, to be faithful to my calling, I am to be Christ's ambassador with this wonderful news of Jesus' success on the cross 2000 years ago.
That's an interesting job description, isn't it?
What a privilege ... and what a responsibility!
Blessings, Barry
Other published Writings at