Hosting a BLOG that focuses on God's grace can easily attract criticism of any position I take that some readers might consider ungracious.
In Australia we are soon to vote at a referendum designed to change our Constitution so that Indigenous Australians have a greater influence in the design and implementation of the laws that govern our nation than non-indigenous Australians would have.
I am urging my family and friends to vote NO to this change, a position which is considered by some to be ungracious to the 3% of Australians who are Indigenous.
There are many social, political and legal reasons why I support a NO vote, but my main concern is that to vote yes would be ungracious to the 97% of Australians who would be denied this extra privilege.
Australia is a democracy in which all citizens are equal before the law and have an equal opportunity to influence those who make those laws through their local members of parliament and senators, and more broadly through the ballot box each three years.
To maintain this equality is being gracious to all Australians, including those of Indigenous ancestry.
Additionally, I would say that voting yes is ungodly as well.
Since God is no respecter of persons and loves all His creation equally, then for me as a Christian to support any action that unfairly advantages one group over all others would be an ungodly one.
As a Christian supporter of democracy I can only vote NO.
Blessings, Barry