"The Really Good News About God" is done and dusted, although I haven't done anything about marketing yet. (Anyone know anyone with an interest and skill in marketing?) Nevertheless about 30-40 copies have been purchased, so they might just sell themselves over time.

I am currently working on a brand new website using WordPress and writing articles for it. I will begin posting some of those articles here so I can get feedback from you on them. I will also put a shop page on the website so people can buy "The Really Good News About God" (and later books) in a variety of formats directly from me.
I have also started thinking about the next book called "The Really Good News About Jesus" which will touch on a range of topics, including some old chestnuts. If any of the topics generates sufficient interest, I might write a whole book on that topic subsequently.
I am looking at the following format for the Jesus book ...
Introduction - Revelation and Science territories
Chapter 1 - Who is this Jesus?
- some connections with Christmas and the Trinity
Chapter 2 - Where did we come from?
- some connections with Creation and Evolution
Chapter 3 - Why is Good Friday good?
- connection with Easter and Christian Universalism
Chapter 4 - Is Jesus really alive?
- some connections with Easter Sunday and Life After Death
Chapter 5 - What happened at Pentecost?
- connection with the Holy Spirit and Prayer
Chapter 6 - Does the World need a Makeover?
- connections with the Future Kingdom and Christian Universalism
Chapter 7 - Who is the Makeover Team?
- connection with "the chosen" as co-workers with Christ
I appreciate this does not give you a complete picture of all the discussion points I have in mind for each chapter, but I'd be interested to get comments about what else could be included to give Jesus full credit for all He has done, is doing and will do for us.
Blessings, Barry